
Global Shipment Visibility

Artificial Intelligence in the Cold Chain

CSafe Cell & Gene Solutions

Webinar: Trends in Supply Chain Visibility & Implications for the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

In this final installment of our series on Digital Transformation in the Cold Chain, Tom Weir, CSafe Global Chief Operating Officer and David Parker, Cloudleaf Chief Evangelist will share with you:

  • Key trends in supply chain shipment visibility
  • How these trends and technology advancements will reshape the cold chain
  • The role shipment visibility will play in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Webinar: Transforming the Vaccine Supply Chain with IoT

Tom Weir, CSafe COO, shares with attendees of the RFID Journal Virtually Live even how IoT will transform the vaccine supply chain.

Webinar: Digital Transformation in the Cold Chain

Experts from CSafe Global and DHL share perspectives on the pace of cold chain digital transformation, what has changed in recent years, steps to ensure success and lessons learned.

Webinar: Making the Data Work for You

As the cold chain industry dives in to digital transformation and really begins to extract critical data, it’s important to understand how to analyze and use the information to not only make decisions about ongoing shipments, but also create efficiencies and reduce costs long-term.


CSafe COO, Tom Weir discusses data analytics in the cold chain and how the data can save lives.

AI can get the right product, to the right place, at the right time. Tom Weir, CSafe COO explains.

The final installment of this digital transformation series covers how cold chain analytics will transform pharma delivery.

Characteristics of high-performing VIP

Various types of insulation materials are being used in many different applications and configurations throughout the world. These materials include foams (polystyrene, polyurethane, polyisocyanurate and polyethylene), fibers (glass, mineral wool, cellulose, silica), and powders.

Read about the 4 main factors that determine VIP’s performance with regards to its effectiveness as an insulator in our latest white paper.

CSafe Shipment Visibility – Data Accuracy

This second case study focuses on the data accuracy during another round of pilot shipments.

CSafe Shipment Visibility – Measured Parameters

This first case study in which we share details of our testing process for the shipment visibility technology, demonstrates the different measurable parameters tracked within a CSafe RKN container during the first project pilot shipment.

Global Vaccine Rollout Gets a Huge Shipping Boost

When a pneumonia and meningitis immunization program needed to be rolled out worldwide, the safe transportation of vaccines was a crucial component in the process.

Preventive Maintenance Rebuild Program Keeps CSafe Fleet Operating Like New

Study confirms preventative maintenance program for CSafe RKNs is instrumental in preserving high-quality operational performance, regardless of container age.

Understanding Water-based and PCM Coolants

Get an introduction to these two types of coolants, details and benefits and guidance on selecting one versus the other based on your specific  shipment requirements.

An Example of GDP Collaboration

Understanding the environment through which a sensitive pharmaceutical/life science product must travel is essential for any  successful supply chain. It provides the solid foundation for design and choice of packaging that ensures the maintenance of the required product temperature during external distribution.

Shipping Biologics: Maximized Safety with Minimized Costs

Facing continual challenges with passive Temperature Control Packaging (TCP) systems which were not performing as required, one leading global biopharmaceutical company needed to find a solution for transporting large quantities of biologics and immunotherapies – and one that could surmount a number of logistical challenges.

CSafe’s Innovative Air Recirculation System Designed with Performance in Mind

Not all temperature controlled containers are equal when it comes to thermal performance – is your vital pharmaceutical shipment at risk?

Mitigating Risk While Moving Life-Saving Treatments Across the Globe

Simulation software, real-time monitoring, and innovative temperature-sensitive packaging solutions from CSafe enabled humanitarian organization Direct Relief to deliver life-saving COVID-19 antibody treatments to underserved countries and regions across the world.

Power Off, Covers On: How Silverskin Protects Pharma Freight

A global biotech company regularly faced challenges when shipping temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals in 40-foot ocean reefers between US and EU ports. Citing power outages at sea and during downtime in dock, the company needed an innovative thermal solution that was capable of mitigating temperature exchange and minimizing stock wastage.

Global Logistics Company Expeditors Ships Medical Supplies from the U.S. to Europe and China with Zero Temperature Excursions

A combination of infrastructure recommendations, employee training and documents coupled with sophisticated data-driven modeling tools eliminates temperature excursions for a multinational medical company.

CSafe RAP Technical Specifications

Silverpod MAX RE Technical Specifications

Silverskin Technical Specifications

Softbox PUR Technical Specifications

CGT Cryo M Technical Specifications

Courier MAX Technical Specifications

Control Tower Specifications

TracSafe PRO Technical Specifications

Sensitech Ultra Technical Specifications

CSafe RKN Technical Specifications

Silverpod MAX Technical Specifications

Softbox VIP Technical Specifications

Softbox PRO Technical Specifications

CGT Ultra Technical Specifications

Courier PRO Technical Specifications

TracSafe RLT Technical Specifications

OnAsset600 Technical Specifications

Advanced Pallet Shipper Technical Specifications

Silverpod PRO Technical Specifications

Softbox MAX Technical Specifications

Softbox ONE Technical Specifications

CSafe AX56L Technical Specifications

CSafe Connect

TracSafe MAX Technical Specifications

Sendum PT300D Technical Specifications